Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How To Write Something About You

Travel Villamarco

"Torre Coruña, good morning, EC-XXX visual Villamarco ready to roll." And so begins our adventure Leon the hottest day of the year. Today we eat Villamarco, ultralight camp located about 12 miles southeast of the airport of Leon. The thermometer reads just over 30 º C on the platform. "Let's see how it goes today."

We have established direct flight plan Villamarco, with an estimated 2 hours at FL075 (2.200m). Today our route alternative are Rozas-en-y León Lugo. We have fuel for four hours and 30 minutes of booking. The weather points to something of a headwind on the outbound flight, but without major complications.

Our partners are ready in the other plane, so we proceed to the shooting and motor test . Runway in use today is 22, with winds of 160 to 4nudos. Our partners take off first and after a slight delay in departure of several traffic in the area, we us. We make a final check before takeoff, "selector and fuel pump with modest directional compass mode C transponder, rich mixture on takeoff trim, green engine, and checked windsock.

" EC-XXX authorized to take off runway 22, wind 140, 6 knots. " Today we are going with a little more weight and high temperatures we also penalized in the takeoff, so we decided to rotate 65nudos using only the Slats. With this temperature and configuration, performance tables tell us a takeoff run 300 meters. Once in the air ascend to the level of security, make the "After Takeoff Checklist" and swerved to the left toward our first point of the route.

Tower goodbye to us and we had to approach the frequency of Santiago, which will control us to exit the Terminal Area of \u200b\u200bGalicia. We
heading southeast, with Ancares in the nose. Our colleagues, 15 minutes ahead of us on the road, decide to make the transition from the mountains by Piedrafita, to avoid having to raise so much. We take advantage of the thermals that we would find to climb to 7,500 feet.

Reached cruising level, one has time to relax and enjoy the beautiful landscape and Coordillera Ancares Coast. Up here you feel the king of the world. Flying over the mountains is beautiful. Despite the heat, we still see traces of snow on the peaks. Indicates outside temperature 12 degrees and the fuel consumption has dropped to 16 liters per hour.

After the fat of the mountain, the ground begins to "lose." We see Bárcena Reservoir and Ponferrada on our right. Castilla is opened before us like a huge esplanade which stretches to the horizon. It is very characteristic of this area see huge rectangular fields of yellow and green, and sometimes very sharp small forests from the air.

We entered the CTR of Leon, a 10-mile circle that extends from ground level to FL145. We contacted the tower of Leon and you will receive your position and intentions to proceed with Villamarco. Began a gentle descent to the south for the vertical field huts and avoid entering the traffic area of \u200b\u200bLeon. We leave the 12 º C and go back to torrantes heat. It's almost 3 pm and took 15 minutes behind its plan due to wind.

Villamarco has a grass runway oriented north-south. Is wide enough and long no problem to accommodate aircraft such as ours, with landing speed of 60-70 knots. The wind is calm, so choose the track 18 to have better approximation. We decided to take with full flap to make it as smooth as possible and stop at some space. It is very important in maintaining grass courts handle it right back to the front landing gear to suffer the least possible irregularities in the ground. Likewise, if conditions permit, it is convenient to close the carburetor heat a bit before taking to prevent entry of dust and dirt in order to avoid bottlenecks in the carburetor.

With the capture
secured close the flight plan with Leon. The shot is soft but notice the irregularity of the ground beneath our feet. We just need 250 meters. This type of tip helps to slow the aircraft more quickly than an asphalt, so we just have to touch the brakes to stop. Free track "After Landing Checklist" is completed. We have consumed approximately 50 liters and do not need to refuel for the return, we must also bear in mind that we will have a tailwind.

We got off the plane wanting to stretch their legs. It's hot but the atmosphere of tranquility, away from the stress of airports, is priceless. In Villamarco always welcome us with open arms. The food is on the table!


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