Saturday, August 23, 2008

Oakley Splice Crowbar

Plane Crash: Reality and Common Sense

"Two thousand seven hundred forty-one people died in traffic accidents and I do not see the media spend three full days and talk shows to address how they should improve road safety. "

has been more than 10 years since that Paukner accident that killed all occupants of the plane after colliding with a mountain on approach to Melilla. From then until the 20th of August not happened in Spain plane crash of such magnitude. This shows clearly that aviation in our country is safe. And maybe that security and that has been so long that we have confused. Let no one be fooled, because flying is safe but accidents do happen and unfortunately the Barajas is not the last. And for any errors occur because the error is a quality human being, and we can not help it.

When a disaster like that experienced in Barajas everyone wants answers and accountability. To the plight of victims, they seek solace in the media because they are the ones who provide information, not realizing that, taking advantage of his weakness, some media bombard them with junk media confusing further. Already, who accuses Spanair terrorist for killing their loved ones. It's terrible.

I would like to restore the people's memory what happened to the Yak 42 which crashed in Turkey in 2003 killing as many English military. Wanted to do an investigation and identification of bodies so fast that eventually handing the family remains were not those of their loved ones. And in this country do not learn. Is there anyone who is able to explain to these poor victims who have lost their relatives, who are being deceived? Spanair is a party involved in the accident and while there is an investigation Open can not comment publicly on the causes of the accident until the end, unfortunately for victims seeking response. Should not fall into the trap of seeking a quick fix, for all job well done takes time. Otherwise it would be much easier to say that the pilot was flying under the influence of alcohol. At the end of the day, the pilot can no longer defend themselves and thus would have a cause that would explain everything. In short, a delusion for fast relief. We have seen in the accident Paukner and Iberia Flight 610 crashed into Mount Oiz of Bilbao in 1985. Thankfully, sanity prevailed in the end and could not be demonstrated in any such nonsense of the two cases.

Barajas Returning to the accident, I personally do not understand why he paints the government in all this if not for politics of the accident. Imitating a comment for Enrique PiƱeyro film director Whiskey Romeo Zulu - I would also say that with the knowledge that the President's Office of Aeronautics is understandable that states that the pilot of Flight JK5022 was "ate "Every track on takeoff. Any pilot knows that a planeload of passengers and fuel, rolling down the runway at Barajas at 2.30pm in the heat of August, need more runway to take off that if used in winter and less weight. But the ordinary citizen does not have to know this, and the comments of the Government can lead people to draw wrong conclusions. Eye, do not say that the government lies, it is among the few who have seen the famous video of AENA, but should not intervene in this as the commission of inquiry to clarify what happened.

The same applies to state funerals to be held for the deceased. Is not this a political trap to get to the casualties on their side? I say this with all due respect to those who have lost someone in the tragedy, but for a moment let us apply common sense. In 2007, died on the roads all less than 2,741 people. TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY ONE PEOPLE! Many of these victims were young people driving under the influence of alcohol, that is not just an accident, it's a stupid way to leave this world. Others, in his recklessness took the lives of many innocent people. This is truly tragic, and we see that the media devote three whole days and talk shows to address how it should improve road safety. I do not see that the Government to state funerals that have been innocently killed because of a drunk driver. Could it be that those who died in a plane have more rights than those killed by accident? And if so, why, if we speak of just 200 people in ten years of aviation, when the traffic accident deaths in the thousands in one year?

When passengers board a plane with a "false" sense of security that makes them contemplate the possibility of error, and when tragedy occurs breaks psychosis. But there are those who cause traffic accidents and continues to work with the same recklessness as usual, without revolutionize a country. And then say nonsense doubt about the professionalism of the pilots who train for years to fly, and whose primary value drivers is security. What may a pilot head feel so pressured by his company decided to risk a suicide off a planeload of passengers? Could it be that someone thinks they are aliens from another world who have no family or children waiting at home? "We need much, but common sense.

I hope this incident will serve to make us think that there is help and inform the families of victims as required, by providing all the support they need, explaining in detail the difficult process ahead of them and isolate them from all media speculation that reality is not distorted in the way it has done with the accident Barajas.


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