Sunday, March 27, 2011

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My Cat Bites My Blanket

Savater Monday was in Malaga, in the Faculty of Law. He began by saying that they had proposed to the organizers to talk about the evil that is the subject that goes to work now, but begged him something more cheerful, to accompany the beginning of spring, and decided to speak of joy. Were thanked, also by the hour, which was the appetizer. I had put in a good mood back to school and come back tomorrow. I found a lot of beautiful girls. Then in the conversation, he wondered and wondered much good. I reconciled with students from Malaga. True, he had a double choice: to attend the conference and to ask, but the level was higher, for example, that of my college years. It was a surprise. And I'm glad.

conference (not surprisingly) was a delight. In another of many years ago defined the intellectual Savater (I think quoting Emerson) as one who treats others as if they were intellectuals. And we spend all our little hour, happy to be intellectual and Savater. A break of civilization and refinement. He defended the joy that is subject to time and passes, but when it does actually happen, is dated and that date never cease to be a joy, have been. Happiness, however, is never fulfilled: it is a projection which, in reality, we spare life, craves the receipt of afterlife. (The happiness came to be the poor of the conference.) Joy does not expect, puts no requirements to life: living on purpose, living deliberately. There is an acceptance Panfila but tragic: the Nietzsche's amor fati. I wrote in my notebook is a motto: "happy and unhappy." More names came out, all elegantly introduced, gently, Herzen, Wittgenstein, Seneca, Borges, Kafka, Santayana, Aristotle, Socrates in the Phaedo ... Herzen was what an old lady once said that he was complaining of bad weather: "better than bad weather to not made none. "Santayana read a text about the" laughing in self-defense. "Consistently, Savater said that laughter lightens the burden of life, and joy comes from there: lighten ." More important that the value is humor, "he said," because the value is not afraid of death and humor is not afraid of life. "ironic humor was referring to, not the sarcastic:" Sarcasm rejects irony welcomes ". The conversation, as I said, it was great. It was mentioned to Singer, to Hannah Arendt. One student asked whether ethics could end the crisis, to which he replied jokingly Savater:" If you can not Zapatero, how will to power ethics? ". Another, before you ask, said it was" an honor "to address him. When the act was terminated because the two and a half, the applause lasted longer than normal. It was perceptible. Savater I was going to get off the couch where he lay, he had to sit a few seconds. It was the procedure found to give warmth to the tired routine of clapping.

* * * The Juan March Foundation is of seven lectures Savater that could be grouped under the title: Savater in six hours (plus an option) . Indeed, they are a perfect synthesis of all Savater : "The children recovered," in dialogue with Muguerza, on the foundation of reading pleasure, the four-cycle "Ethics without ideology" as central exhibition of his thought, and "free thinking" about the intellectual task (this came to refer ), the option would be dedicated to the theater. I'll go back to wear them: Savater is one of those rare authors that, taste of reading, it adds the pleasure of listening.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

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snack Savater

I always liked his use of the term Andrés Sánchez Pascual simplistic in the preface to his translation of Radiation . It refers to the period of Ernst Jünger in the Caucasus between November 1942 and February 1943:
Jünger was looking for a Sila which opposed Hitler, a simplistic, aggressive and brutal "people's general" capable of facing the terrible simplifier that was the tyrant.
That simplistic idea: that disregards the complexity of life (and the multitude of thoughts) and acts. Cut the Gordian knot. Buddhists know that the complexity and multiplicity do not cease to be a mirage: the veil of maya.

I remembered the way Murakami book I've been reading. Murakami is a simplistic, but perhaps I should make the case to face the Hitler of my incompetence. In to talk about when I talk about running Murakami speaking also, of course, writing. And yet its simplicity, a tripod mounted short, it's no big thing but a transparent simplicity. According to Murakami, to write (to write novels, speaking of marathons) it takes three things: talent, concentration and perseverance. Without all three legs the novelist does not have standing.

The tripod is the only way to hold firmly, without forcing balances. Our two human legs do not count, because, for the extension of the foot, are actually a four-point support. The lame I know: so needs a crutch. As for me, there are two legs that I need to make up a tripod.

Friday, March 25, 2011

What To Wear To A Sangeet

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