Monday, March 7, 2011

Solini New York Suits


I was in Zaragoza listener in a conference of publishers and booksellers and I noticed one thing: they all spoke very well. It is seen that, in addition to beating about the books, read them, something that does not happen, for example, among university professors. I did some photos. The discussions were vivid, complex, between fear and hope, but at some point I realized that that was an attraction auditorium was volatile returns on ground: the readers. They discussed a business whose client is not born but made: and not being done. Perhaps the book does have a future, but for readers who do not exist.

For my part, I reread with pleasure. I have a great time on the internet, but I havoc: a boiling bubble without a seat. Instead, after a while of reading (reading book) I feel good. The other day I found myself saying that no matter the disappointment, because there will be readings on to buckle. Life time, reading time. One of them has been that, Lifetime , Marcos Giralt Torrente, I read I returned to Zaragoza, in a sad context. After I took a walk a book in a complementary way: Happiness desperately by Andre Comte-Sponville. It was then when I started with Montaigne, to which I am relishing. I'll simultaneous reading trials, which will lengthen, with others, the first of which being that of rider.

My job now is to read, and I've read several books from the publisher Turner, at some point in the editing process. I recommend: Golden Key , Smile or Die , Sack, musical instinct, Dancing on the brink and Blues.


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